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Alan Shearer the England striker scored goals in 124 matches and his 100th against tottenham

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Q: Fastest premiership player to 100 goals?
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Which player has scored over 100 premiership goals and has never scored a penalty?

Emile Heskey

What English player has scored over 100 goals in Premiership but never played for England?

Andy Cole

Which player has scored greater than 100 premiership goals for two different clubs?

Alan Shearer

An English soccer player that scored 100 goals in the premiership and never got an English cap?

Luis Nani and it was 98 not 100

Who was the first footballer to score 100 premiership goals?

fabregas fabregas

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How many goals has yakubu aiyegbeni score in English premiership?

Yakubu Aiyegbeni has scored a 101 goals in the premiership, scoring a brace against Wigan for his 100 and 101 Preemiership goals.

Which player is the fastest to score 100 premier league goals?

Cristiano Ronaldo he scoed at a rate of approximetlly 20 goals per season for Manchester United

Who has scored 100 goals for same team in premiership?

The arsenal striker Theirry Henry scored over 1000 goals for arsenal.

What black footballers have scored 100 premiership goals not including penalties?

It is Andy cole and Emile Heskey.

Which two players have scored over 100 premiership goals and have never scored a penalty?

Emily heskey and les Ferdinand

Who is the most recent premiership football player to score 100 goals?

Cristiano Ronaldo scored his 100th goal in the second half of last season. Andrew Johnson scored his 100th league goal early in the season