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Q: Factors on which intensity of rivalry depends between competitors?
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On what factors does photoelectric current depends?

The photoelectric current depends on the intensity of light shining on the surface, the frequency of the light, the type of material the surface is made of, and the energy of the individual photons. Increasing any of these factors can result in a higher photoelectric current.

What two factors dos loudness depend on?

The loudness of a sound depends on the amplitude of the sound waves, which is related to the intensity or power of the sound source. It also depends on the distance between the sound source and the listener, as sound waves lose intensity as they travel through space.

What factors determine an earthquale's intensity on the modifield Mercalli scale?

The factors that determine an earthquake's intensity on the Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale include the earthquake's magnitude, distance from the epicenter, local geology and ground conditions, and building structures. Intensity also depends on the impact of ground shaking, surface faulting, landslides, and other secondary effects.

What distance is the sound intensity level 25dB?

Sound intensity level is measured in decibels (dB) and does not directly correspond to a distance. The sound intensity level only quantifies the power of sound. The distance at which a specific sound intensity level of 25 dB would be heard depends on various factors such as the surroundings, obstacles, and the characteristics of the sound source.

One sound can appear louder or softer than a second sound with an equal intensity?

The perceived loudness of a sound depends not only on its intensity (amplitude of the sound wave) but also on factors such as frequency, duration, and the sensitivity of the human ear. Additionally, the distance between the source of the sound and the listener can also affect how loud a sound seems.

Does the intensity of Xrays and gamma rays differ?

Yes, the intensity of X-rays and gamma rays can differ. Gamma rays typically have higher frequencies and energies than X-rays, so they can be more penetrating and have a higher intensity. However, the actual intensity of these radiation types depends on factors such as the source strength and distance from the source.

What are the factors on which hardness of a material depends?

Hardness of a material depends on the type of bonding between atoms.

Who is the competitors of Intel?

That depends on market. One of biggest competitors in CPU market is AMD. On the market of motherboards the competitors are EVGA, ASUS, MSI etc. On the market of SSDs competitors are Samsung, Corsair, OCZ etc. .

What theory of perception proposes that detection of stimuli depends on a variety of factors?

Signal Detection Theory proposes that the detection of stimuli depends on both the intensity of the stimulus and the individual's psychological factors, such as motivation and expectancy. This theory suggests that perception is influenced by both the sensitivity of sensory processes and cognitive factors.

What instrument can be used to measure intensity of what?

It depends on what substance/object you are trying to determine the intensity.

Are all Olympic competitors amateurs?

Not all competitors are amateurs some are professionals. It all depends on the game being played.

The rate of soil erosion depends on what factors?

The rate of soil erosion depends on factors such as climate, topography, land use practices, and soil characteristics. Rainfall intensity, slope steepness, farming practices, and soil structure all play a role in determining how quickly soil erodes.