Tedium is the state of being tedious.An example of tedium used in a sentence is: "cousins and uncles filled the tedium of winter nights with many a tall tale"
S - SpecificallyP - ProgressionO - OverloadR - ReversibilityT - Tedium
Specificity, Progression, Overload, Reversibility and Tedium
Tedium occurs in sports when you are doing nothing, such as standing around. Tedium avoidance is when you are trying to keep on going, or not get bored Tedium: a state of being bored during anything, such as sports, art, school, etc.
Reading a good book will relieve the tedium of the lengthy flight to Africa.
Yes correct.
Let's relieve the tedium of this long journey by getting some hot chocolate and chatting.
Tedio, aburrimiento
tedium, boredom
Tedium, as in boring.
Stadium.odium, tedium.