The word "example" is divided into 3 syllables: ex-am-ple.
Syllabication is the process of dividing words into syllables, which can help with pronunciation, spelling, and understanding of word structure. It can also aid in breaking down complex words into simpler parts, making them easier to read and write.
what is the syllabication of quiet
add-edthe meaning is: to join or unite so as to increase in size or quantity ...
be cause (2)
The syllabication of "patriotism" is pat-ri-o-tism.
The syllabication of "cleaner" is "clean-er."
The syllabication for "incredulity" is in-cre-du-li-ty.
The syllabication of the word "genuflect" is gen-u-flect.
like this example mother it became a mo-ther that the answer thank you
val -ua-ble ...:D
The syllabication of "thief" is one syllable: thief.