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Q: Ever been a no hitter with more then one pitcher?
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a pitcher getting a no hitter

What did baseball pitcher Nolan Ryan demonstate to the baseball world in 1990 aside from his remarkable sixth no hitter?

Baseball pitcher Nolan Ryan at the advanced baseball age of 43 demonstrated that a fastball strike out pitcher was at the top of his game. Yes knuckle ball and control pitchers lasted to age 40 or more, but none were ever applauded for their fast ball and strike out statistics.

Which baseball pitcher did not lose more games than he won?

Which pitcher? There have been MANY pitchers that have won more games than they lost.

Has any no-hit pitcher been a rookie?

It's happened at least 21 times. In some instances, a rookie will deliver a no-hitter in his first MLB start. Bobo Holloman did exactly that -- and won only two more games his entire career.

What is a no-hitter in baseball?

A no hitter is a game where the pitcher of one team throws an entire game without letting up a hit

MLB pitcher who has never thrown a no hitter?

A bunch. In fact, the vast majority of major league pitchers have never thrown a no-hitter in major league baseball. Many more have thrown no-hitters in high school or college ball.

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Is ted Williams the greatest hitter of alltime?

No. George Herman "Babe" Ruth was a better hitter, but not by much. See The Babe was also one of the greatest pitchers ever, contributing far more defensively then Williams. Some may argue Williams to be a better hitter, and it's very close, in the end perhaps even a matter of opinion, but no one can argue that there's ever been a better PLAYER than Babe Ruth. Period.

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No with more and more humans now than have ever been on earth, and decreasing supply of food, water, and habitat and more threats than ever, species are much more at Risk than ever

Job Have you ever been convicted of a felony?

Please be more specific.

What are american league baseball rules?

Both American and National League teams follow theexact same rules. The difference between both leagues is that the American League elects to use the Designated Hitter Rule, and the National League does not.There is no rule stating that the National League cannot use Designated Hitters. As a matter of fact, Rule 6.10 states: 6.10 Any league may elect to use Rule 6.10(b), which shall be called the Designated Hitter Rule.(b) The Designated Hitter Rule provides as follows:A hitter may be designated to bat for the starting pitcher and all subsequent pitchers in any game without otherwise affecting the status of the pitcher(s) in the game. A Designated Hitter for the pitcher, if any, must be selected prior to the game and must be included in the lineup cards presented to the Umpire-in-Chief. If a manager lists 10 players in his team's lineup card, but fails to indicate one as the Designated Hitter, and an umpire or either manager (or designee of either manager who presents his team's lineup card) notices the error before the umpire-in-chief calls "Play" to start the game, the umpire-in-chief shall direct the manager who had made the omission to designate which of the nine players, other than the pitcher, will be the Designated Hitter.The Designated Hitter named in the starting lineup must come to bat at least one time, unless the opposing club changes pitchers.It is not mandatory that a club designate a hitter for the pitcher, but failure to do so prior to the game precludes the use of a Designated Hitter for that club for that game.Pinch-hitters for a Designated Hitter may be used. Any substitute hitter for a Designated Hitter becomes the Designated Hitter. A replaced Designated Hitter shall not re-enter the game in any capacity.The Designated Hitter may be used on defense, continuing to bat in the same position in the batting order, but the pitcher must then bat in the place of the substituted defensive player, unless more than one substitution is made, and the manager then must designate their spots in the batting order.A runner may be substituted for the Designated Hitter and the runner assumes the role of Designated Hitter. A Designated Hitter may not pinch-run.A Designated Hitter is "locked" into the batting order. No multiple substitutions may be made that will alter the batting rotation of the Designated Hitter.Once the game pitcher is switched from the mound to a position on defense, such move shall terminate the Designated Hitter role for that club for the remainder of the game.Once a pinch-hitter bats for any player in the batting order and then enters the game to pitch, such move shall terminate the Designated Hitter role for that club for the remainder of the game.Once the game pitcher bats for the Designated Hitter, such move shall terminate the Designated Hitter role for that club for the remainder of the game. The game pitcher may pinch-hit only for the Designated Hitter.If a manager lists 10 players in his team's lineup card, but fails to indicate one as the Designated Hitter, and the opposing manager brings the failure to list a Designated Hitter to the attention of the umpire-in-chief after the game starts, then (i) the pitcher will be required to bat in the batting order in the place of the listed player who has not assumed a position on defense, if the team has taken the field on defense, or (ii) if the team has not yet taken the field on defense, the pitcher will be placed in the batting order in place of any player, as chosen by the manager of that team. In either case, the player whom the pitcher replaces in the batting order shall be considered to have been substituted for and is removed from the game and the Designated Hitter role for that club shall be terminated for the remainder of the game. Any play that occurred before the violation is brought to the attention of the umpire-in-chief shall count, subject to Rule 6.07 (Batting Out of Turn).Once a Designated Hitter assumes a position on defense, such move shall terminate the Designated Hitter role for that club for the remainder of the game.A substitute for the Designated Hitter need not be announced until it is the Designated Hitter's turn to bat.If a player on defense goes to the mound (i.e., replaces the pitcher), this move shall terminate the Designated Hitter's role for that club for the remainder of the game.The Designated Hitter may not sit in the bullpen unless serving as a catcher in the bullpen.That is the only difference between American and National leagues, but as mentioned before, either league has the option of using the Designated Hitter Rule at the beginning of any game.