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A baserunner on 1st is not forced unless the batter hits a ground ball, a base hit on a fielding error (he is also forced to advance on a walk, hit batter, catcher interference, etc.). The runner is not forced on a fly ball unless it is dropped or falls in for a hit. If a fly ball is caught, the runner is not forced, but may choose to "tag up" and try to advance to 2nd after the catch. If a fly ball is dropped, the runner need not tag up before advancing to 2nd. THEY CAN RISK IT...BUT IF THE BALL IS CAUGHT HE HAS TO GET BACK TO FIRST BASE.....OR IT WILL BE A DOUBLE PLAY....BUT THEY DONT HAVE TO TAG UP Just to clarify. If a fly ball is caught, the runner on 1st may try to advance, but to do so, he must be on 1st base, or return and touch 1st base, before attempting to advance. The "tag up" must take place after the ball is caught by the fielder.

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16y ago
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14y ago

As long as the run crosses the plate before the runner not tagging-up was put out then the run would count. (assuming the 2nd out ends the inning) -- if there was 0 outs then it does not matter when the run scored in relation to the 2nd out --- now in an instance where there was an appeal and the other runner was called out -- the run that scored would still count

Basically it is like any other situation in that instance... if the run scored before the out it counts

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15y ago

The runner is allowed to leave as soon as the ball touches the glove as that is the beginning of the catch.

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15y ago

The runner has to wait for the outfielder to catch the ball, then they can tag up and run to the next base at their own risk.

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14y ago

Yes, if they do not tag up, the ball can be thrown to the base from which they left and that is an automatic out.

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14y ago

when the ball is touched, it's officially in play and the tagged runner can run.

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13y ago

Yes! Under rule 2.00 'Definition of Terms': "Runners may...retouch and advance after the ball is touched, the same as on any fly ball".

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Q: Dothe runners on base during the infield fly rule have to tag up before advancing at own risk?
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