Goal Attack, Goal Keep, Wing Attack, Wing Defence, Goal Shoot, Goal Defence, Centre.
Wing attack helps to take the ball down to their teams goal, they also help to fed the ball in to the D for the shoot or goal attack to catch.
the are 7. goal attack. goal shoot. goal defence. goal keep. wing attack. wing defence. centre
Positions Goal Keeper GK Goal Defence GD Wing Defence WD Centre C Wing Attack WA Goal Attack GA Goal Shooting GS The goal shooter and the Goal attack are the positions that can shoot
There are seven players on each team.They are theGoal Shooter (GS)Goal Attack (GA)Wing Attack (WA)Centre (C)Wing Defense (WD)Goal Defense (GD)Goal Keeper (GK)
GS- Goal Shoot GA- Goal Attack WA- Wing Attack C- Center WD- Wing Defence GD- Goal Defence GK- Goal Keep
GS= Goal Shoot GA= Goal Attack WA= Wing Attack C= Center WD= Wing Defence GD= Goal Defence GK= Goal Keeper
Zubat learns Wing Attack at level 17.
Goal attack - Poutuki, Goal shoot - Ringa titere, Wing attack - Paihau tuki, Centre - Takuahi, Wing defense - Paihau pare, Goal keep - Tautopenga, Goal defense - Poupare.
Tailow learns wing attack at lv.13
A wing attack is paired with a wing defence. Wings are meant to be fast and agile so they can move around and get the ball. They are there to aid the Centre in the centre third and to the goal attack and goal shooter in the circle.
GS - Goal Shoot GA - Goal attack WA - Wing attack C - Center WD - Wind defense GD - Goal defense GK - Goal keep