Yes, Wes Welker does have a girlfriend.
Wes Welker's race is Caucasian.
Wes Welker is a receiver for the New England Patriots.
Wes Welker is Number 83
Wes Welker was born on May 1, 1981.
Wes Welker was born on May 1, 1981.
Wes Welker ran a 4.60
Wes Welker attended Texas Tech.
No Wes Welker is a Wide Reciever for the Denver Broncos.
Wes Welker ran a 4.60
Wes Welker is number 83 on the Denver Broncos.
You can find information about Wes Welker on Wikipedia. He also has a Twitter account where you can see his Twitter posts and get to know more about him.