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No, the word Basketball is not a proper noun and so it does not get capitalized in a sentence unless it is the first word of that sentence.

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Q: Does the word basketball get capitalized in any sentence?
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Only if it is the first word in the sentence. Chinese yen are similar to US dollars.

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Proper nouns (names of specific people, places, or things) should always be capitalized in a sentence. Also, the first word of the sentence, and any titles or headings.

Does the word basketball have to be capitalized in any sentence?

Yes, the word "basketball" should be capitalized when referring to the sport itself or when it is the first word in a sentence. However, when used generically to describe the physical object, such as "I have a basketball," it does not need to be capitalized.

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You should capitalize a one-word answer to a question when that word would normally be capitalized in a sentence, such as for proper nouns or the pronoun "I." Otherwise, no additional capitalization is needed for one-word answers.

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Do you capitalize 'their' in a title?

Yes. Any word larger than two letters should always be capitalized in a sentence. I think you mean in a title, not a sentence. The is generally not capitalized in a title, nor is but.

Is Valentine's Day capitalized in a sentence?

of course dummy!!!! You just capitalized it in your sentence too!!!

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No, a sentence can begin with any kind of word. The first letter of a sentence is always capitalized to mark the start of the individual sentence, not because the word is a proper noun.

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The noun 'holiday' is a common noun, a general word for any holiday.A common noun is capitalized only when it's the first word in a sentence.