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I dont know if this answers your question, But the bat does effect the distance and speed of the ball. Normally, the bigger bat you have (weight and inches) the ball will travel faster and farther. I play softball, and sometimes the coach will reccommend a bigger and heavier bat for the person.( X

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11y ago
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14y ago

It has some effect. The distance of the ball is a combination of the speed of swing, power of swing, timing, speed of ball, type of spin ball has, and bat weight. Therefore, it doesn't completely rely on bat weight.

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15y ago

No...well, yes...and no. Bats weigh about--what, two pounds? A-And a batter swings around...50-ish MPH? Get what I'm saying? Weight and velocity.

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14y ago

Possibly, because of the weight. But if you throw with the same arm speed for each ball, (different sizes) then the smaller, lighter one will most likely go farther. Try it on an experiment

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Q: Does the weight of the softball bat affect how far the softball will go?
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Of course! If it was a mile wide, do think you could move it with a bat??

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When hit by a boy with a bat wich goes father softball or baseball?

It depends on which bat you use. If you use a softball bat, a baseball will go farther. If you use a baseball bat, a baseball will also go farther. Baseballs are generally considered a "live" ball. It's hot off the bat. This is why major leaguers use wood bats. The "dead"-ness of their bats slow the ball down a little. So A Softball is generally considered a "dead" ball. Softball players use bats that are "hot." In order to increase the speed of the ball off the bat. So when you pair a hot bat with a hot ball, (a baseball and softball bat) it will damage your bat (and is not recommended to try), but it will go farther. Also, a softball is larger. Based on the laws of aerodynamics, a baseball picks up less wind-resistance, and thus travels at a faster rate and farther on the fly. Therefore, a baseball will travel farther. Think of the proportions of a field. Baseball fields are larger because of how far and hard the ball travels through the air. Softball fields are smaller because the softballs are bigger and travel more difficultly through the air. It depends on which bat you use. If you use a softball bat, a baseball will go farther. If you use a baseball bat, a baseball will also go farther. Baseballs are generally considered a "live" ball. It's hot off the bat. This is why major leaguers use wood bats. The "dead"-ness of their bats slow the ball down a little. So A Softball is generally considered a "dead" ball. Softball players use bats that are "hot." In order to increase the speed of the ball off the bat. So when you pair a hot bat with a hot ball, (a baseball and softball bat) it will damage your bat (and is not recommended to try), but it will go farther. Also, a softball is larger. Based on the laws of aerodynamics, a baseball picks up less wind-resistance, and thus travels at a faster rate and farther on the fly. Therefore, a baseball will travel farther. Think of the proportions of a field. Baseball fields are larger because of how far and hard the ball travels through the air. Softball fields are smaller because the softballs are bigger and travel more difficultly through the air.

Where and when did softball come from?

softball originated in Chicago on thanksgiving day by George Hancock. a rolled up boxing glove was used as the ball and a broken broom stick as the bat. they soon made it an adult league team then became popular.

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Can a frozen baseball o as far as a warm baseball?

No. A frozen baseball will die off the bat because the reason a baseball reacts to a bat is the connection between the ball and the bat. The bat will not affect the ball in the same way when the ball is frozen.. I recommend trying this because it will damage the bat.

Why do you need a gill in softball?

you dont. i play softball and i have no clue what a gill is. far as my knowledge, fish need gills, not softball players.