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no its the team that wins the game the coin toss just decides who gets the ball first

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Q: Does the team that wins the coin toss win the super bowl?
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Related questions

Which team will win the coin toss for the Super-bowl of 2008?

The team which chooses the correct side of the coin. No offense but this is a pretty stupid question. It's just which ever team guesses the side that the coin lands on. That's pretty obvious!

Does the first team to win the coin toss win the super bowl?


Who makes the call at the coin toss at the super bowl?

Whoever the designated away team is.

Who won 2010 super bowl coin toss?

The New Orleans Saints, the NFC team.

Who won the coin toss in Super Bowl XLV?

The Packers won the coin toss.

Why are the Green Bay Packers the home team in Super Bowl XLV?

The coin toss said they would be

In the Super Bowl the team that wins the coin toss is more or less likely to win the game?

I read on that about 60% of the time the team who wins the coin toss ends up winning the game.

Who won the coin toss in super bowl?

The New Orleans Saints won the coin toss (it landed on "heads") in Super Bowl 44. It was the 13th straight time the NFC had won the Super Bowl coin flip!The New Orleans Saints.

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What was result of coin toss for Super Bowl 45?


Who called the coin toss for the Pittsburgh Steelers in Super Bowl XLV?

Steelers linebacker James Farrior called the coin toss in Super Bowl XLV, he chose tails. The Packers won the toss and chose to kickoff.

What was the result of the coin toss for the 2013 NFL Pro Bowl?

The coin toss was won by Team Sanders. They deferred.