Fattest man lived in Oakdale,CA. Dallen DeGroot.
Alex Ivic
As of 2021, the world's fattest man lived in Mexico. His weight reached over 1,000 pounds and he required special medical care to manage his condition.
Manuel Uribe is the fattest man in the world.Leonid Stadnyk is the tallest man in the world.(see related questions)
No, Brett Favre is not fat at all. He is in exceptional shape.
its paul mason from UK, 50 stone formally 70 stone in weight
There have been individuals who have held the title for "world's fattest man" at different times, but typically they come from various countries around the world. It is not accurate to single out a specific location as the residence of the world's fattest man.
the fattest man on earth is 1215 pounds