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Q: Does the differences between Major league and Minor league baseball make a good compare and contrast essay?
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What does compare and contrast means?

compare and contrast mean the equalities and differences between what you are comparing and contrasting.

What does campare and contrast mean?

Compare means to identify similarities between two or more things, while contrast means to identify differences between them. When you compare and contrast, you are examining both the similarities and differences in order to highlight key distinctions.

What word means the opposite of Compare?

Contrast - Show the Differences Between

What does compair and contrast mean?

"Compare" means to identify similarities between two or more things, while "contrast" means to identify differences. When you are asked to compare and contrast, you are being prompted to discuss both the similarities and differences between the subjects in question.

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compare & contrast the similarities & differences of a relation & function

In a compare and contrast essay you examine and note the what between two or more things?

similarities and differences

What does the word contrast and compare mean?

compare means what two things have in common. contrast are the differences things have.

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Can you compare and contrast the skewness and normal curve?

Answer this question...similarities and differences between normal curve and skewness

What is the best organization strategy for examining the differences between two subjects?

The best organization strategy for examining the differences between two subjects would be compare and contrast.

What does compar and contrast mean?

To compare and contrast two things means to find the similarities and differences between them. For example, compare and contrast the islands of Hawaii and Puerto Rico. Both have mountains, but Hawaii has volcanos. The residents of both are American Citizens, but those in Hawaii speak English and those in Puerto Rico speak Spanish. Both are tropical islands, but the mountains in Hawaii are tall enough to have some temperate zone plants.