I don't know!!! I guess that's one thing us humans will never know!!!! Scientists need to go down there though!
No, Atlantis is not a planet. According to Greek mythology, Atlantis was a mythical island city that supposedly disappeared into the sea. It is not a celestial body like a planet.
No, scuba diving to Atlantis is not possible because Atlantis is a legendary lost city that has never been proven to exist. It is a mythological city that was first mentioned by the Greek philosopher Plato.
No, the city of Atlantis has not been found. It is considered to be a mythical island that has never been proven to exist.
While it is fun to speculate, there has never been any evidence to support the existence of Atlantis. If it did exist, it was destroyed centuries ago.
The lost city of Atlantis is a legendary civilization that has never been proven to exist. It was first mentioned by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato in his dialogues "Timaeus" and "Critias." Many theories exist about who built Atlantis, but there is no concrete evidence to support any specific claim.
There is no definitive location for the lost city of Atlantis as it is a legendary island that has never been proven to exist. According to Plato's writings, Atlantis was said to be located beyond the "Pillars of Hercules," which is now believed to be the Strait of Gibraltar in the Atlantic Ocean.
There is no concrete evidence that the lost city of Atlantis has been discovered. Various theories and speculations exist, but no definitive proof has been found to confirm its existence.
Lost city of Atlantis
The true size of the lost city of Atlantis is uncertain because it is a legendary city that has never been discovered or proven to exist. According to the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, who first described Atlantis, it was said to be larger than Asia and Libya combined. However, modern interpretations vary, and there is no concrete evidence to support its existence.
atlantis is a lost city ddaaa
the city of atlantis