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No, it doesn't. For example, a Basketball will bounce quite high and retain a large proportion of its original kinetic energy when being used on a concrete or a hard wood floor, such as those used in official NBA matches. However, if you are try to bounce a basketball on water, I would be amazed if you could elicit any response other than it either submerging itself for a brief period of time before returning to the surface of the water, or simply sinking to the bottom in a desultory manner; the outcome would depend on the basketball's density. To be honest, I would have thought this was fairly obvious. Maybe you want to think a little more closely about how you phrase your question next time, to prevent people like me from giving you a pathetic, sarcastic answer such as this. Fool.

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โˆ™ 13y ago
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โˆ™ 16y ago

i think a basket ball would bounce better on a hard wood floor because all NBA courts are hard wood.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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โˆ™ 17y ago

Yes, of course. For example, if you dribble it on carpet it wouldn't go as high than on pavement.

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โˆ™ 17y ago

yes, if under it will not bounce correctly and i fover inflated sometimes ball become deformd causing bubbles.

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โˆ™ 14y ago

Yes, the surface affects the way the tennis ball bounces.

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Q: Does the amount of air in a basketball affect its bounce?
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Related questions

What affect the bounce of a basketball?

The pressure from the air inside of it

Does the amount of air in a basketball determine how high it bounces?

Yes, wth the height of the bounce increasing with the amount of air in it. At flat basketball will hardly bounce at all. To make it bounce you need to pump it up with air until it is full (when you can't press your fingers into it and it is very hard).

What does the air in a basketball do?

The air in a basketball lets the basketball bounce.

What will bounce higher baseball soccer or a basketball?

A basketball will typically bounce higher than a baseball or soccer ball due to its higher air pressure and elastic properties of its material. However, factors such as the surface on which they bounce and the force with which they are dropped can also affect the height of the bounce.

Does leather affect the bounce of a basketball?

The leather is put on the basketball for grip, wear and tear, and consistency. The bounce of the ball comes from the rubber bladder that the leather is surrounding. Air pressure and the quality of the ball effect it's bounce more than the leather.

Why does a basketball bounce with more air?

The more air the higher it will bounce, the less air the lower it will bounce assuming the exact same amount of force is applied in each case. You do not want a ball that bounces too easily or one that is hard to make bounce. The reason it bounces higher with more air is because the outer cover is drawn tighter when more air is applied internally. The tighter the cover the higher it will bounce because it has more spring to it.

Can cold air effect how high a basketball can bounce?

== == This is because of air's tendency to become more dense when it is cold. This happens because air molecules,when cold, move slowly and close together while air molecules,when warm, move fast and farther apart.

Does the air pressure inside a basketball affect how high the basketball bounces the hypothesis?

Yes. A full basketball with medium to high pressure will clearly bounce higher than a flat basketball with low pressure.

Is there a formula to determine the bounce height of a basketball?

No. The bounce height may depend on a variety of factors, especially the hardness of the floor, and the properties of the ball, including the amount of air it has.

What is the differences between a flat basketball and a regular basketball?

A flat ball doesn't have a lot of air in it, so it doesn't bounce that well, where as a full basketball has less resistance, and therefore bounces higher. Basically, the difference is the amount of air in the basketball.

Will a basketball or tennis ball bounce higher with more air?

i know that a basketball will because if it has nothing in it, it won't bounce. right? but when you put more helium in, it will bounce high. but if you put to much in it, it might explode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Would the weight of a basketball affect the bounce?

Bounce is affected by the elasticity of the ball and its internal pressure. The more elastic and optimum pressure, the better the bounce. However, weight is another factor, a heavy ball with the same elasticity and internal pressure as another ball will not bounce as high since force is a function of mass and velocity.