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Yes the jersey devil actually is said to look like a horse with bat like wings and a devils tail.

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Q: Does the Jersey Devil have wings?
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Does the Jersey devil have have wingsl?

Yes it does. It has bat like wings.

There is a legind of a Devil in New Jersey It is called The jersey Devil?

yes the legend is true i have in fact gone to the sighted places and have encountered the creature once before. It has the head of a horse and hooves but has a small body and wings. The devil is called the New Jersey Devil

Why is the jersey devil evil?

The Jersey Devil is a mythical creature with two legs and wings said to have been the thirteenth offspring born of Mother Leeds. It was sometimes called the Leeds Devil and was supposed to inhabit an area in New Jersey. The locals often blamed the Jersey Devil for the loss of their livestock.

What is the function of the New Jersey devil?

The function of it is a little body with hooves and wings. It also has a hourse head

What does the jersey devil look like?

The Jersey Devil is a large creature with hooves for feet and manlike hands. It's head is like a horse's head and it has a reptilian tail. These creature are very dangerous. Some (all smart and normal people) do not believe in it.

When was the Jersey devil born?

1666 the jersey devil was born

Did the jersey devil live in Pittsburgh?

no the jersey devils only lived in new jersey that is why it is called the JERSEY devil.

Is the jersey devil a devil?

there are many ways the jersey devil is presented. in fact different people telling different stories can give the jersey devil different appearances

How can you kill the Jersey Devil?

The answer is no. When the Jersey Devil was born, a man shot a cannonball at it, but the Devil kept on flying.

Can you kill the jersey devil?

The answer is no. When the Jersey Devil was born, a man shot a cannonball at it, but the Devil kept on flying.

When was Devil in Jersey City created?

Devil in Jersey City was created in 2004.

What is the terrifying cryptid man in the window on Cryptids Island?

The Jersey Devil supposedly has hooves like a horse and leathery wings. But no one has ever photographed it.