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Q: Does the 11 include goal keeper?
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Related questions

What is the job of the goal keeper?

The goal keeper defends the ball from being in the goal.

How many players can play football?

11 on the field at once, that includes the goal keeper.

What does GK means in netball?

goal keeper A goal Keeper (GK) plays in the defencive third including the goal ring (semi circle)

How can a soccer goal keeper score a goal?

most of the time when a goal keeper takes the penalty shot but sometimes when the goal keeper of the other team is so much above his field or area the goal keeper may kick the ball from goal to the other goal.

Who is the best goal keeper of the world 2012?

best goal keeper of the world

What is the difference between goal keeper and goal shooter?

a goal keeper saves the ball and the goal shooter shoots the ball

In soccer is a goal keeper considered a defender when the keeper comes out of the box?

The goal keeper is always considered a defender, if he is in or out of the penalty area.

How may players in soccer?

11 per team eg: 1 goal keeper and 10 on the field.

How many soccer players are there in a team?

11 players on the field including the goal keeper. and a few substitutes.

Can a soccer keeper score a goal directly from a kick out of his hands?

A goal may be a scored directly from a goal keeper punt.

Who is Mexico's keeper?

As in goal keeper? Guillermo Ochoa

Does netball has a goal keeper?

The answer is yes, netball does have a goal keeper, the goal keeper is up the other end to the end that you are shooting and they have to protect the net and not let the opposition get the ball into the net.