Steven Fletcher was born on 1972-06-17.
Steven Fletcher - footballer - was born on 1987-03-26.
Steven Fletcher - ice hockey - was born on 1962-03-31.
Steven K. Fletcher (Scottish footballer) is 30 years old (birthdate March 26, 1987).Steven J. Fletcher (Canadian politician) is 45 years old (birthdate June 17, 1972)
Steven Fletcher, who represents Scotland at international level, was born on March 26, 1987 in Shrewsbury, England.
No. He has a girlfriend
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According to PL, the best player in PL 6 is Steven Fletcher. As of 2013, Steven Fletcher is a soccer player that plays for the Premier League Club Sunderland.
Steven Gerrard is married to Alex Curran
Sara FletcherSara FletcherSara Fletcher