Yes. On a left handers approach your final step is with your right foot which opens your body up to hit and follow through with your left hand. So a righty using a LH approach is taking away power and hitting options.
Your approach isn't measured in seconds, its a tool to help you get the best jump that you can to hit the ball. There are different types of sets that you can be set, so it all depends on those. If you get a really quick, low set like a "quick 1" for middle hitters, you have to speed up your approach. If you get a high set like a "4" for outside hitters, you have to slow up your approach. Does that make sense? Always remember "left, right, left" if you are right handed and "right, left, right" if you are left handed. Volleyball is all about timing. It just takes practice and experience...keep working at it!
Approach is the 3 steps taken by a hitter when they are running to hit the volleyball. It should be a right-left-right motion. A taller person usually has a longer and higher approach.
Bill Kaulitz is right handed. As a matter of fact, they are all right handed.
It sure doesnt matter if you are right handed or left. Its no bif deal out of it..
Most people are right handed & fewer people are left handed. Some people even think it's better to be right handed! But the truth is, it really doesn't matter. So if you're left or right handed...Both of them are good!
We can't identify if really Jesus Christ was left handed or not. There is no proof, but for sure that does not matter. Jesus loves everyone whether he/she is left handed or right handed.
it doesn't matter if the person id left handed or right handed... if the person is good at the game then he is really good.
if you are right handed you go big left step, small righ step, and small left step. if you are left handed you go big right step, small left step, and small right step
I think left cause most people are right handed so being left handed is rare so that's good but which ever hand you write with it doesn't matter. But I'm left handed so.
Footwork in volleyball is a player's, in this case a hitter's, approach to spike a volleyball. There are multiple approaches, two of the most common are the three and four step approaches. Three step approach. If you are a right handed hitter, you do a three step approach (left, right, left) as follows - step with your left foot, step with your right foot, and the last step brings the left foot to the ground slightly ahead of the right foot. The final jump is done with a two foot take-off. The tempo of the three steps is slow, quick, quick. The four step approach is typically used by outside hitters and uses the same sequence but adding one more step at the start - right, left, right, left (slow, slow, quick, quick).
thats the thing it doesnt matter
She is Right-Handed