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There are obviously some techniques that work better than others. That is why most players shoot more or less the same. Rather than learning poor skills that will have to be corrected, it is best to listen to your coaches and learn the most effective techniques.

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12y ago

yea and no i think it depends on how tall it is and what angle your standing at but if your an nba athlete i dont think it really makes a difference

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Q: Does how you shoot a basketball affect if it will go in the hoop?
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What arc in basketball?

The arc in Basketball is when you shoot the ball into the hoop. When you shoot it should be an arc shape. When it's an arc shape there is a higher chance of the basketball to go in the hoop.

What arc is in basketball?

The arc in basketball is when you shoot the ball into the hoop. When you shoot it should be an arc shape. When it's an arc shape there is a higher chance of the basketball to go in the hoop.

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goal? as in hoop? To stand straight and 10" tall, and be round so the ball can go in it.

How do you make an indoor basketball hoop?

It depends where you ordered the hoop from. I would advise you to either go to the website from the store you ordered the hoop at, or search the hoop online with instructions for assembly.

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you run with the basketball and you put the basketball in the hoop and hang from the ring then le go hope that helped!

Does gravity or force affect the way a basketball goes in a hoop?

Yes, gravity and force both play a role in how a basketball moves towards a hoop. Gravity pulls the ball downward, causing it to arc as it is shot, while force (applied by the player) determines the speed and direction of the ball towards the hoop. Combining the effects of gravity and force, a player can successfully make a basketball go into a hoop.

What does drive mean in a basketball game?

Go to the hoop so you can score.

How much does a basketball hoop go for?

You can get a basketball hoop for around $100 at Canadian Tire. You would have to install it yourself. Or you could check out kijiji and get a used one for under $50.

In basketball is hitting the hoop without the ball going through worth any points?

No, to get any points the ball has to go through the hoop

Cheats in toon hoops?

Go to the right side of ur hoop when they shoot and u automatically get the ball. then go to the left side of their hoop(exact same side but on other side of court) and jump as hight as you can and shoot. 98% of the time it will go in. :) hope this helps

What store should you look at for a basketball hoop?

You should go to a sporting goods store.

What trajectory high or lower would you make basketball in the hoop?

You would make the basketball about 5 inches higher than the basketball hoop. Make sure you body is square to the hoop, your feet are shoulders width apart and your elbow doesn't go farther than a 90 degree angle. Recommend This Please.