

Does football use integers

Updated: 9/14/2023
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11y ago

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Yes it does use footballs.

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Q: Does football use integers
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Related questions

What sports use negative integers?

Golf, Hockey, Football

Real world situations with integers?

You use integers in golf, temperature (not body temp. because those sometimes use decimals), football yardage, weight, globes, and maps.

How do you use integers in football?

yes, how many yards you loss it's a negative, but if you gain yards it's going to be a positive number

What are the uses of integers?

There are several different ways that you can use integers in everyday situations. For example you can use integers in the Winter, you use them with the temperature.

What was the first culture to use negative integers?

The Chinese and Hindu were the first to use negative integers

How do you use integers?

Personally, I use them to count with.

What you use integers for?


Where can you use integers at?

Every aspect of mathematics depends upon integers, and even if you don't do any mathematics, you count things with integers. If you even want to know how many guests you are having for dinner, you need to use integers.

What type of jobs deals with integers?

No job that anyone is aware of, besides maybe football or golf, and then only for people who are into that kind of stuff. One of the biggest lies in school is when they say that you will use them.

How can you use integers to reprsent the speed and velocity of an object?

You can sometime use integers but often speed or velocity can also be irrational.

Which culture was the first to use integers?

Integers are the whole numbers. Indian and Chinese mathematician were the first to contribute in the concept of using integers.

Do pilots use integers?
