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I do.Heres how it goes. knock knock!who's there?messi!messi WHO? exactly.Who is the g*y player who wears blue and purple on his jersey just like barney the dinosaurs colors,messi is.

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Q: Does anybody have a joke to say about messi?
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Lionel Messi is a footballer from Argentina, who plays his club football at Barcelona.

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i would say messi is the best yahooo

Do you say 'to do a joke' or 'to make a joke'?

you say to MAKE a joke when you invent one but you say "do" when it is someone else's joke. Actually, nobody ever says "to do a joke" unless they have only very recently started learning English.

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you say "make" when you make a joke but you say "do" when some one else makes a joke

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a penguin joke is joke that people think penguin say! Weired

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NO! if you do there will be a virus on your computer. it can also say it is not a joke but still do not open it! If they say it is not a joke it is a joke.

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some rumors say that he is...!! :)

How Do You Make A Lesbian Laugh?

The same way you make anybody laugh, with a joke. I wouldn't suggest a gay/lesbian joke unless you're gay/bisexual yourself.

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Just say yes and if it was a joke, say you were joking too.

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A matter of opinion but most people would say Messi.

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