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above the wing

moving faster above the wing causes a lower air pressure relative to below the wing. high pressure moves to low pressure causing lift.

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Q: Does air move faster under the wing or above the wing?
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How do aeroplanes float?

Air moves faster over the top of a wing, and slower under the wing. The faster moving air above the wing has a lower pressure than the slower moving air below the wing. This causes lift, or the tendency for the wing and plane to move upward.

Is air moving faster above the wing or below the wing?


What causes plane to fly?

Aeroplane wings and flat at the bottom but curved at the top, as they move through the air, it will flow normally under the flat part of the wing and up and over the curved part of the wing. This causes air to flow faster, and causes higher pressure, The low air pressure under the wing then attempts to flow into the high air pressure above the wing, pushing the wing upwards in the process. This causes the plane to fly.

Is the air that travels under the plane's wing is moving faster?

No. The air that travels over the wing moves faster.

What creates the lift that allows gliders to fly?

Unequal Pressure The aircraft's wing is shaped so that the air passing over the wing moves faster than the air under the wing causing a positive pressure differential, thus creating lift. In simpler terms, it is the air moving above the wing, not below the wing, that causes lift.

What happens when air above an airplane wing is moving faster than air below an airplane wing?

When the air above an airplane wing moves faster than the air below it, a pressure difference is created. This pressure difference generates lift, as the higher pressure below the wing pushes the aircraft upward. This is known as Bernoulli's principle, where increased air speed above the wing results in decreased pressure and lift.

Is it true that air above the wing of an airplane travels faster than air below the wing?

Airplane wings are shaped such that the length of a path from the leading edge of a wing to the trailing edge is longer when going over the top than across the bottom. For this reason, air going over the wing must travel faster than air traveling beneath the wing.

Why aeroplanes fly in the air?

The primary reason is power. With enough power behind it you can make a rock fly as when you throw a rock. The actual theory of flight is "lift". Airplane wings are designed so that the air going over the top of the wing is moving faster than the air going under the wing. This creates pressure under the wing and causes it to lift. If you take a tape measure and measure the top of a wing and then measure the bottom of the wing you will find that the top measure is longer than the bottom measure. This means the air on top has to move faster to get over the wing on top.

Why does the suspended piece of paper go down as you blow air under it?

Blowing air under the paper creates a low-pressure area due to the increased speed of the air flow. This lower pressure effectively sucks the paper downward towards the area of higher pressure above it, causing it to fall.

Air above an airplane wing is moving faster than air below an airplane wing This causes the plane to?

Low pressure is created over the top of the wing while higher pressure is below the wing which generates lift.

Why is air pressure greater below the wing's surface?

It's not so much that the air pressure below a wing is greater as it is the pressure above it is less. The way a wing works, is the airfoil (shape of the wing) accelerates the air above the wing. Since the air is moving faster, it lowers the air pressure, resulting in a lower pressure above, and a higher(standard) pressure below, creating lift.

How does the design of an airfoil contribute to the generation of lift in an aircraft?

The design of an airfoil, which is the shape of the wing, contributes to the generation of lift in an aircraft by creating a pressure difference between the upper and lower surfaces of the wing. This pressure difference causes the air above the wing to move faster than the air below, creating lift as a result of the Bernoulli principle.