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If you hit a fowl then you don't have to run.If it's fair then you do. If your on base and it is a pop fly then you take a little bit of a led. So it all depends on where you are and how the ball is hit on wether or not you run when a softball is hit

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17y ago
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14y ago

Yes unless it was a foul, when a batter bunts it's usually for a sacrifice run for a team member who is on third base. It's used as a distraction to make them throw to first to get the runner out and not at home.

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13y ago

If you are unsure that you will make it in time before the catcher gets the ball and tags you. But if you are certain, you can just run over if. But as long as you touch the plate before, your safe.

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16y ago

yes because the batter would have been interfering the play.

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15y ago

When you hit the ball or someone else hits it. Same as Baseball.

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15y ago

No, unless there's is no force play involved. Meaning, you only tag if the runner is not forced to run to next base. But a runner is automatically out once tagged

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14y ago

Yes you drop the bat after you hit the ball.

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12y ago

no, but you have to run if there is two outs

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Q: Does a runner has to run after a bunt in a softball?
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What is run in softball?

A run in softball is when a base runner makes it safely around the bases and touches home plate. The team the runner is for is then given a point, also known as a run.

What is the abbreviation of squeeze in softball?

A squeeze play in softball means that the batter has to bunt the ball no matter where it is because the runner from 3rd is running home. This play is usually used in a tight game situation, like if your down by one run or its tied. I hope i answered this correctly. : )

How good at softball do you have to be to run in the Olympics?

You don't need to know how to play softball to run in the Olympics. If you're asking about being a pinch runner then you're out of luck because they no longer have softball in the Olympics.

How lay down a squeeze bunt on Mario super sluggers?

send the runner early, then bunt

What are RBI s in girls fast-pitch softball?

when theres a base runner on a base.. the batter hits the softball and trys to get to a base while the base runner at 3rd or 2nd run home and get a point

What is the name for when you tap the ball in softball?

Well that is certainely called a bunt

What is sacrifice in baseball?

When a batter gives himself up to move a runner from one base to the next. Technically it is supposed to be an intentional act, but the official scorekeepers generally give the batter the benefit of any doubt.

When someone bunts the ball and runs to first and the fielder throws to home trying to get the out there does the bunt-er have a hit or a sacrifice as no one was put out?

I would consider it a hit/bunt. It is a sacrifice bunt if the bunter knows they will get out so another runner can advance or get a run. Hope this kind of helps

What is a fake bunt in softball?

A fake bunt is when you pretend to bunt the ball so you get down to your bunting position and once she releases the ball you pull the bat back up and hit it instead of hitting it.

What is bunting in softball?

To bunt in softball, you square your body to the pitcher. Once the pitcher releases the bal you try to hit it within 3-4 feet in front of you. Sometimes players bunt the ball to try to get on base. This is called bunting for a hit. Most other times bunting is used to move other runners over to the next base. This is called a sacrifice bunt. If the batter is called out, the at bat is not counted in their batting average. It is counted as a "SAC." A suicide squeeze is another way that the bunt is used. On the release of the pitch the runner at third base runs as if they are stealing the base. The runner at third base is trying to cross the plate before they are tagged out. This is also counted as a SAC if the batter is called out.

When will a runner get a strike in softball?

A runner doesn't get a strike, a batter does.

What do you call it in softball when a player must run to the next base because the batter has become a base runner?

It's called a force. The runner is being forced to proceed to the next base by the batter/runner.