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If no one touched it when the buzzer hit, yes

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Q: Does a foul shot count if the ball hits the backboard first before touching the rim or going into the basket?
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If the ball goes all the way thru the hoop before the glass breaks then yes it counts.

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To count, it would have to clear the basket and come back through the basket.

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2 Points. It's always been the same.

If a shot ball sails over the top of the backboard and goes in -does it count?

it should not it is considered out but most refs don't know that

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it depends on whether there are 6 apples in the basket before or after you took the two out... and whether the the apples in the basket are yours or not to begin with...possible answers:2 (if you count the apples that you have at hand)4 (if you are counting the apples in the basket only)6 (if there are 6 before you take two out and all the apples in the problem as yours)8 (if there are 6 apples in the basket after you took the two out in which case there are 8 apples in total)

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Does it count if a shot in hockey goes in after the buzzer if it's shot before the buzzer?

no it does not it has to becompletely across the goal line when the buzzer goes off.

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It might count for the other team we just have to wait till the ref answers.