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Q: Does a field hockey players are allowed to make physical contact with the other team true or false?
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Related questions

Is hockey a striking game?

You do not strike other players, how ever it is an extremly physical game, there is a alot of physical contact between players, you also have boards, pucks and sticks that add additional physicality to the game.

What is a hockey enforcer?

A hockey enforcer is a player who engages in the most physical contact. He usually protects another player or just sets an example. Enforcers aren't considered dirty players. While they will fight and hit, they generally do so within the rules of the game.

How many are in a hockey team?

Six players are allowed on the ice at a time. The number of players on a team typically range anywhere from 12-22 players. It depends on how many players the coach wants on his bench and how many players are allowed on the roster by the league. In the NHL, rosters usually have about 20-22 players.

What is difference between hockey and all other sports?

In Hockey, the players are allowed to fight and beat each other ip. Its part of the game. No other sport allows any of that.

Are you allowed to check in roller hockey?

More checking is allowed as the players get older. The adults get away with more than the five year olds. But even the adults can't do huge checks like in Ice Hockey. It is just a bit less.

When did The Olympics allowed National hockey players and the National basketball players to play in the Olympics?

NBA players first Olympics was the 1992 Summer Games in Barcelona and NHL players first Olympics was the 1998 Winter Games in Nagano.

How many players are on the ice per team in a hockey game?

NHL teams are allowed to list twenty two (22) players on their official roster.

When was Professional Hockey Players' Association created?

Professional Hockey Players' Association was created in 1967.

How many players in ice hockey?

Most hockey leagues will allow a team to "dress" 20 players for each game. A Junior team or college program normally carries 25 players where they will sit 5 players each game. Only 6 skaters are allowed on the ice for one team at a team. this normally means 3 Forwards, 2 players on Defense and a Goalie.

Is field hockey a summer game in NSW?

Field hockey is a whole year sport in most countries; the offseason is usually the summer, when many players play the easier form of summer hockey (rule alterations include not being allowed to raise or hit the ball, playing on a halfsize field, less players, etc.).

When is checking in hockey allowed?

I don't think so.. If anything they could maybe reduce the time they fought so fights woudnt be too long, but fighting is one of the things lots of fans love about hockey and without it hockey wouldn't be the same

What do you call a hockey players stick?

(Hockey) stick.