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Q: Does a basketball exert a gravitational force?
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Do Objects of any size exert a gravitational force.?

Yes, objects of any size exert a gravitational force. However, the strength of the gravitational force depends on the mass of the objects and how close they are to each other.

What force do the sun and the moon exert on the earth?

They exert Gravitational Force on each other. It is a force which is directly proportional to Mass of the object

Why are not attracted to the wall by gravitational force?

Humans are not attracted to walls by gravitational force because walls do not have sufficient mass to exert a noticeable gravitational pull on us. The force of gravity is proportional to the mass of an object, so walls, being much less massive than the Earth, do not exert a significant gravitational force on us.

Out of the Sun Earth the Moon and a Book which one exert the stronget gravitational force on you?

The Earth exerts the greatest gravitational force on you because it is the most massive object you are closest to. The Earth exerts a force equal to your weight. The other objects exert gravitational forces but are not very noticeable because they are either low in mass or separated from you by great distance.

Upon which moon does Mars exert a stronger gravitational force?

Phobos experiences a stronger gravitational force from Mars compared to Deimos due to its closer proximity to the planet. The gravitational force acting on an object decreases with increasing distance from the source of the force, hence the closer moon Phobos feels a stronger pull from Mars.

Does the earth and the moon exert a gravitational force on each other?

no they don't

Do two objects exert gravitational force on each other?

Yes, two objects exert a gravitational force on each other according to Newton's law of universal gravitation. This force is proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers.

Why does the moon exert a lower gravitational force than the earth?

The moon is smaller than the Earth.Therefore it has a lower gravitational force. Don't you know this?

What objects exerts a gravitational force a feather a bowling ball or a book?

All three objects will exert a gravitational force. The strength of the force depends on the mass of each object. The bowling ball will exert the greatest gravitational force due to its larger mass compared to the feather and the book.

Which moon does Mars exert a stronger gravitational force on Deimos or Phobos?

Mars exerts a stronger gravitational force on Phobos than Deimos because Phobos is larger and closer to Mars than Deimos. This closer proximity results in a stronger gravitational pull between Mars and Phobos.

Do The Earth and Moon both exert a gravitational force on each other?

Yes, the Earth and Moon both exert a gravitational force on each other. This force is responsible for the Moon orbiting around the Earth.

What do massive objects exert?

Massive objects exert gravitational force. This force attracts other objects with mass towards them. The magnitude of the force depends on the masses of the objects and the distance between them.