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It is known to travel faster on turf.

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Q: Does a baseball go slower or faster on grass or turf?
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Can you run faster on grass or turf?

You can usually get a quicker start on turf and cutting, juking,and spring is better on turf however in the long run grass with cleats helps you stay above the ground unlike turf you sink in more making it harder on your knees and slower strides so therefore grass is faster turf is quicker

How does different infield surfaces affect the bounce and speed of a baseball?

Natural grass tends to give the ball a slightly slower, softer bounce. Artificial turf allows the ball to mvoe faster and bounce a littler harder.

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Which grass grows faster?

The University of Tennessee and other field tests show Bermuda is the fastest growing turf grass (for hay)

What is difference between Grass Turf and Astro Turf?

Grass turf is natural grass. Astro turf is artificial and is a surface of synthetic fibers made to look like natural grass.

Is Oakland football stadium grass or turf?

probably turf or grass

What is the difference between turf grass and real grass?

Turf Is Thicker And Grass Feels Thinner

Will a lacrosse ball bounce differently if it is frozen?

the ball will bounce less, because the molecules are moving slower which causes the ball to move slower and bounce slower

Is modern turf better than grass?

Think of modern turf as something you can control, grass, you cannot.

Is the HHH Metrodome real grass of turf?

Artificial Turf.

Is Penn States Beaver Stadium Grass or turf?


Who can make turf grass grow tall?

Yes turf grows, as long as it is natural turf and not artificial turf.