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Q: Does Silly Bands make bands for the Phillies?
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Related questions

Do they disinfect the old condoms before they make them into silly bands?

Silly bands are not made of condoms.

What is the original cost to make silly banz?

10 cents because there bands but i do love silly bands.

How does Croak make the silly bands?

Okay i think they made the silly bands with different kinds of colorfull rubberband's and other types of rubber things that compares to silly bands

What shapes can you make with silly bands?

your can make anything

What website can you make your own silly bands?

Do they make Justin Bieber silly bands?


How do how do you make silly bands with regular rubber bands?

I don't think you can make a silly band with a regular rubber band I think in the factory where they make silly bands they have a special machine to shape them. they only thing you going to get if you do make one a home is a circle. because that is the shape of the rubber band.

Are silly bands bad?

silly bands can be bad if you wear to tight ones they can make your hand swell. i can't think of other reasons so your welcome

What is the address to silly bandz headquarters?

Well the ppl who make silly bands doesnt want ppl to come to there place/factory and steal silly bands trust me my ungle works there!

What do sparkly silly bands mean?

Sparkly silly bands tell you that your pet unicorn is hungry! Make sure you feed your unicorn often or all your silly bands will turn sparkly and your unicron will die. Do you want this to happen!? Love Moni Beetroot x0x0

Where did she invent the silly bandz?

to make rubber bands more fun

Do they make Mario bros silly bands?

No, but they probaby will soon! Lol