Yes Michael Essien has a wife.
Michael Essien was born on December 3, 1982.
No, the football player Michael Essien is Catholic
Michael Essien has won three E.P.L.champions.
How much tax does michael essien pays
Michael Essien is a professional footballer from Ghana. He was born on December 3, 1982. As of August 19, 2014, Essien plays for Milan.
Michael Essien is famous for being a Ghanaian football player. Michael Essien is well known for playing for both the Chelsea football team and Ghana national team.
Michael Essien has scored 3 goals at his tima at chelsea
She is not married. Her boyfriend is Michael Essien, the Chelsea and Ghanaian Midfielder.
He Michael Essien gets roughly 80,000 to 90,000 pounds a week.
Michael Essien earns roughly 80,000 to 90,000 pounds a week at Chelsea.