No. Kenyon Martin has a stutter that he has dealt with since his childhood. While the stutter is mainly under control now, it does still affect him sometimes.
Kenyon Martin's birth name is Kenyon Lee Martin.
Kenyon Martin is 6' 9".
Kenyon Martin was born on December 30, 1977.
Kenyon Martin was born on December 30, 1977.
Kenyon Martin signed with the New York Knicks in 2013.
NBA player Kenyon Martin weighs 225 pounds.
Kenyon Martin plays power forward for the New York Knicks.
Kenyon Martin is 40 years old (birthdate: December 30, 1977).
Kenyon Martin goes by Sir Slam A lot, and K-Mart.
Kenyon Martin is number 3 on the New York Knicks.
Kenyon Martin was previously married to Heather Martin, but they divorced in 2006. It is not clear whether he has remarried since then.
As of July 2014, Kenyon Martin's wife is Heather Martin. The couple have three children and have been together on and off since 1998.