Lydia Wesley was Fred Williamson's mother.
Fred Williamson was born on March 5, 1938.
Fred Williamson was born on March 5, 1938.
Yes, Franky and Fred JR. I have meet both in Palm Springs playing golf with their Father.
Fred Lynn goes by Fragile Freddie.
linda williamson. they married in 1986 or 1987
US actor and former NFL player Fred Williamson is 80 years old (birthdate: March 5, 1938).
The average price for a Fred Williamson football as of 2014 is 40 dollars. The value is also determined by the condition of the ball.
Actor Fred Williamson as Tommy Gibbs in the 1973 movie.
Bruce Williamson has written: 'A handbook on diseases of children, including dietetics and the common fevers' 'A handbook on diseases of children'
Cause he wanted one!