His full name is Edison Arantes do Nascimento.
Edison Arantes do Nascimento (his nickname is Pelé).
She might have been called aMa Pele.
The real first name of Pele is Edson. However, the name written on his birth certificate is Edison. His full name is Edson Arantes do Nascimento.
Edison Arantes do Nascimento, otherwise known as Pelè, and Maradona!
Edison Arantes do Nascimento or as the world knows him as Pele . He is named after Thomas Alva Edison. But he gets the name Pele, this way. When he was small the Vasco Dagama goalkeeper was named Bile. But Pele always pronounced it as Pele and now the name has stuck for good.
It is Edison Arantes do Nascimanto. He is named Edison after Thomas Edison , and he is called Pele because when he was small he could not pronounce the Vasco Da Gama goalkeeper , which was Bile, he said it as Pele and the name has stuck for ever.
NATIONALITY OF PELE Edison Arantes do Nascimento, best known as Pele, was born in Tres Coracoes, Brazil in 23 October 1940. He is a Brazilian.
The IOC (International Olympic Committee) voted Pele (Edison Arantes do Nascimento) the athlete of the 20th Century, he was voted the best athlete in the world. Not Babe Ruth, or MJ...
Edson Arantes do Nascimento.