No, he does not have a girlfriend nor a boyfriend due to the fact that his eyebrows are too bushy.
NHL player Drew Stafford is 6'-02''.
Drew Stafford was born on 1985-10-30.
Drew Stafford plays for the Buffalo Sabres.
Drew Stafford is number 21 on the Buffalo Sabres.
Drew Stafford plays right wing for the Buffalo Sabres.
Drew Stafford was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on 10-30-85.
NHL player Drew Stafford shoots right.
NHL player Drew Stafford weighs 214 pounds.
NHL player Drew Stafford was born on 10-30-85 and as of the end of the 2013-2014 season is 28 years old.
michelle stafford
no. he's gay.
Christopher Drew's lngles girlfriend is Alison