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Q: Does Antonio Alfonseca really have six fingers on his hands?
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Why do your hands have to be pretty?

They don't. My hands are pretty and everyone tells me that. I hate it. I wish i had stubby little fingers with little nails. but i have super ling skinny fingers with really deep nail beds. Your hands don't HAVE to be pretty.

How many fingers are on 8 hands?

There are a total of 40 fingers on 8 hands.

What do you do if white out gets on your fingers?

wash your hands really good with soap and warm water for about 30 secs-1min

What could be wrong if the skin on your hands is peeling in between your fingers on top of your fingers and on the sides and on your palms and you?

I really think you need to go to your doctors so they can look at it. If it itches it could be eczema but I really dont know. Sorry!!

Face but you can not see hands you have no fingers what are you?

i have a face but cannot see i have hands but no fingers on me. - An oogly LOL

Can you get carpal tunnel in hands and fingers from texting?

Yes you can, any repetitive motion with your hands or fingers can cause it.

What has hands but no fingers?

A clock has hands but no fingers.

What is the collective noun for fingers?

The collective noun for fingers is "hand." In anatomical terms, the fingers are part of the hand, which includes the palm and the digits (fingers). Therefore, when referring to all the fingers collectively, we use the term "hand."

What movie was the phrase Roman hands and Russian fingers used in?

it means roaming hands, and rushing fingers. so if you're with somebody and their or your hands start roaming and and rushing around to feel each other, its a case of roman hands and Russian fingers. for example, if you were going in for a close kiss and one of you started feeling around, that would be the roman hands part. The Russian fingers would be if you got to the stage where you started to do things that involved really feeling and touching and doing things, in other words, taking your hands where they wouldn't usually go. ;] hope this helped.

How do you Find the ratio of the number of hands to the number of fingers in a group of people?

since each hand has 10 fingers ( we assume that all the people have all their fingers) and each person has 2 hands, 10/2 is the ratio of fingers to hands. this is 5 to 1

How Many fingers does a doggie have?

dogs have paws with claws not hands with fingers

What comes before and after fingers of 2 hands?

Fingers of one hand and all but one finger of the second hand; and fingers of 2 hands plus one other finger.