yes because everytime he would pass them the ball they would miss the h's a ghetto assed bastaard.
Jewish people do not hate white socks.
Poles are white people.
They hate abnormal people who call them Porch Monkeys.
I am somalian and i dont hate white people. I had a half white bf and a white friend so stfu whoeva asked this stupid question. And btw somalian is not a word
A racist white....
They hate any "foreigners," meaning people who are not 100% white.
Nothing why would you ask that's racis
You are basing your perception of the mentality of white people on a very limited number. Most white people don't hate any group of people as a whole. White people have learned from their misperceptions of others since the days of destroying Native American societies and slavery. Why don't you try that.
No they do not. Most are over weight white guys. Hardcore skin-heads sometimes hate fat people but as a disability.
Hitler strove to bind his people together with the feeling of hatred .He aimed that hate at all people who were not white and germanic.
lily allen doesnt hate cheryl cole. they r the best of friends. follow them both on twitter and you will see!