Yes, Ginnifer Goodwin has 2 kids.
They are brown.
Yes, Ginnifer Goodwin has 2 kids.
Ginnifer Goodwin has 2 children
No. He was openly homosexual.
Did you really expect an actual answer to this question? Don't get me wrong the mans awesome, but unless you are a really good friend of his the closest your going to get is his Fan Mail mailing address. Which you can find on his website.
Not a girl friend he has a boy friend
Aaron is 34. His birthday is 4/1/76.
Yes, Aaron Burr has 8 kids.
Yes, It had something to do with the after effects of the investigation of Bobby Mackeys. Aaron admits this in a episode of Ghost Adventures which is yet to air
Fort Chaffee episode they think they have found bigfoot but it is aaron and it looks like he is smoking when found.