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Q: Do zip ties work on a your helmet for your visor or do they break?
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How does the helmet in a space suit work?

The helmet in a space suit provides protection by creating a sealed environment to maintain pressure and ensure the astronaut can breathe. It also includes a visor to shield the eyes from harmful radiation and debris in space. The helmet may have communication systems for astronauts to communicate with each other and ground control.

Will a home link visor work to replace a regular visor in 1998 Chrysler Sebring convertible?

It will bolt up, but I do not think you will have the power electrical connector.

Can't keep sun visor up?

If your unable to keep the visor up you should try Velcro on both sides. If that does not work, you can use a big safety pin.

How can you fix a sun visor in a 1997 Nissan Sentra?

I saw a Sentra with a visor that wouldn't stay up. The owner had taken sticky backed velcro and attached small pieces to the roof and the mating piece to the back of the visor. It seemed to work well, but I think the sticky might let go in very hot weather. A lot of sellers on eBay have the sun visor clips for sale. Best of luck! <Correction> The sun visor on my 1997 Nissan Sentra wont stay up either. On close inspection it has nothing to do with the sun visor clips. It looks like the dysfunction is within the visor itself. I don't see any way to repair this without buying a new/used visor.

Why should men wear ties to work?


How do you put on a football visor insert?

The visor should slide under the facemask. once straight and even, the clamps should be near a horizontal bar on the facemask, depending what kind of facemask you have. Screw on the 2 clamps (one one each side of mask)

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How do you get the flame helmet in Halo 3?

To obtain the flame helmet, you must buy it from X-box Live. That is the only way.

What is the m for on kiprusoffs helmet?

It stands for Miska. Todd Miska painted the helmet and that is his signature to show his work. He's my friend's dad trust me lol.

On the TV show Family Ties where did Stephan work?

Answer: At a television station.

What purpose does a tie serve?

A tie is simply for adornment, there is no functional reason for wearing a tie. Men wear ties for formal occasions, work, and also for uniforms. The most common ties are neckties and bow ties.

How does a multi stage rocket work?

well first you just put the helmet on :)