no the player gets the points awarded that he would have made if not interupted
A shot put can be any color. Usually indoor shots are red or yellow, while outdoor shots, since they are made of metal, tend to just be the color of the metal it is made of, since painted outdoor shots lose their color fast.
You'll need another shot ten years after your last one. The ten years number is just the amount of time that the effects of the shot tend to wear off, so we recommend getting a new shot around that time.
it tend to be hitting a person on the arm
in basketball it is illegal to goal tend.
you play goalie or goal-tend by being the last defender and able to use your hands to make saves anywhere inside the 18.
There are hundreds, if not thousands, of pool and billiard trick shots. Broadly, they can be divided into two categories: artistic shots and skill shots. Artistic shots are all in the setup and require minimal skill in order to make. These shots generally make multiple balls in multiple pockets all in the same shot. These are great to start out with as they only require a bit of knowledge and some patience to learn the setup. Skill shots are those that use typical pool game skills and may take them to extremes. Basic skill shots would be follow shots, draw shots, and bank/kick shots. More extreme skill shots include jump shots and masse shots, where you make the cue ball curve. These shots tend to be easier to learn if you have a mastery of your pool stroke already. Skill shots can also include novelty shots which wouldn't be encountered in a typical pool game. These include speed shots, wing shots (shooting at a moving object ball), juggling shots (shooting a moving cue ball), one-handed shots, opposite handed shots, shots using multiple cues, or combinations thereof. There are many resources in print and online that diagram a number of trick shots. Most use a categorization scale so you know which ones are the easier ones that are better to start off with if you're just learning.
This will depend upon the route of administration for the medication. For an intravenous (IV) shot, the easiest place is the jugular vein in the neck. For a subcutaneous shot, veterinarians typically use the hypodermis over the intrascapular space (between the shoulder blades). Intramuscular shots tend to be given into the hamstring group (semitendinous, semimembranosus and biceps femoris muscles), although the dorsal gluteal muscles or lumbar muscles can also be used.
spark plugs tend to foul because too much oil builds up around the plug and it cannot work correctly. *sometimes* you can actually remove the plug, clean it, re-gap it, and replace it in the bike.
yes and no they tend to build immunities to viruses they also get shots so often but of course you can not protect yourself from everything
there are 25 shots in a bottle. 30 ml per shot... usually used for liquor. When we measure wine from the bottle, we use the word glass - how many glasses in a 750 ml - 6 glasses which is 41/2 shots per glass @ 30 ml in a shot.
Russians tend to drink it neat and follow it with a shot of orange juice or similar
Normal people. Bulimics usually are at a normal weight or tend to be over weight. After purging they may also have chipmunk cheeks and blood shot eyes.