Basketball players should not drink a lot of water during a game. To best benefit themselves and avoid dehydration, they should drink a lot of water before a game and after a game.
yes it does need a lot of water
In order to get all the water you'd need, you need to drink a Lot of milk. The calorie loading alone would be a problem.
You need to drink a lot of water before, during and after exercise because when you're exercising you sweat, which makes your body lose water. Our bodies are made up of about 60/70% water and we need to keep it at that level to be healthy. I hope that answers you question :)
No you do not get thirsty in less you need a lot of water to drink
Cottontails get much of the water they require from the food they eat.
Cottontails get much of the water they require from the food they eat.
because surfers contantly have salt water in there mouth and it dehydrates us so we need fresh water did that answer it bra
some time sloth drink water a lot
Either you are a fish or pissibly you need to be checked for diabetes. Diabetes makes you thirsty a lot.
A lot
drink a lot of water
It might cause a dry mouth and so make you want to drink a bit more. You do not need to make a special effort to drink more water while taking it.