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A break-beam eye is not necessary on a paintball gun, however it is highly recommended; There was a time when break-beam eyes did not exist, and players were often victims of "chops" or "barrel breaks," the advent of motorized feeders (hoppers) saw a great increase in these broken balls damaging accuracy and sometimes causing complete failure of a marker in-game. Todays popularity of the use of eyes to reduce these breaks almost requires a player to use an anti-chop system of some type to remain competitive, the best of which would be the break-beam eye.

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Q: Do you need a break beam eye for your paintball gun?
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What is EYE on spyder paintball guns?

the eye is not specific to a is in all decent guns. it is a infra-red light that is in the chamber where the paintball is ready to fire, it senses when it's beam has been broken and it only allows the gun to shoot when the ball is all the way in the gun...this makes chopping paintballs a thing of the past.

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Paintball is safe IF you wear eye protection. Paintballs will not do any permanent harm unless you are hit in an unprotected eye, and there is no physical contact in the game itself.

Where can the beam change direction in your eye?

The beam of light changes direction at the cornea (front surface of the eye), the lens (inside the eye), and the retina (back of the eye) to focus the image onto the retina for visual processing.

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Head down to wal-mart and get a paintball mask or shooting glasses. They need to be rated to stop up to 400fps.

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It means the eyes are malfunctioning, and you probably need new ones.

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on multi player go onto modifiers you will find it there

Where can the beam change direction in my eye?

The beam of light entering your eye can change direction at the cornea, the lens, and the vitreous body. These structures help focus the light onto the retina at the back of the eye, where the images are formed.

Is z87 for airsoft?

No. Only airsoft (or paintball) specific full seal eye wear is allowed.

What is the eye on a paintball gun?

A part inside of the breach that uses a laser to detect if there is a ball in the chamber. It does this so that the bolt does not chop the paintball in half before it is fully in the chamber and ready to fire.

What is the center or hot spot of a beam of light called?

the eye

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The cast of A Beam in Your Eye - 2009 includes: Chris Hedly as Headphones Guy Bob Starko as Man Jordan Toronto as Woman

What is the bible verse that says removing something from your eye?

Matthew 7:3-53And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?4Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?5Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.