Not at the moment. Sometimes though they will hold a stock sale to help raise money to enhance their stadium. They held one in 1997 and again in 2012. You will have to follow the team to find out when the next sale will take place.
I don't know for sure, but I would guess the Packers. Nobody like the Packers.
justin bieber does not like the green bay packers beacause that is not his favorite team
I am not sure because he did dump the Packers for the stupid Viking's. I think he still is a fan of the Packers! But if he was a true fan he wouldn't have dumped them!
Yes he does
theyre like santa claus...
Green Bay Packers are going to win it all! Packers are the best football team around! How did Atlanta like the win from the Packers last night? I don't think they liked to much! Ha ha! Packers are the best! Ha ha ha ha!
I love to watch football. I really like the packers and #55. Can I find this jersey?
because there so famous
Yup, He's A Big Fan