In Effingham County,Georgia the Middle School uses a -3 drop bat. In nassau county, New York the middle school players have to use a -3
We live in Northern Delaware and the middle school teams, including parochial and private schools follow the rules for High School. These rule allow a drop of -3 on any non-wooden bat. So my answer is to check with your middle school and see what rules they follow.
i think its -3
well if ur using -3 bats then they have to have a 3 number difference between the length and width and have to be BESR certified. This means that the Bat Exit Speed Ratio of the ball coming off the ball cant b above a certain mph, i think it is 97 mph. If the bat has a BESR sticker on it and is -3 its good
There is no bat size in high school softball that you must have just pick what size you think fits you best
The Henrico county schools in the Richmond VA area require -3 bats. These kids are 6th, 7th and 8th graders.
There is no legal requirement, although the strength of a player of that age could handle a drop 5 bat. Its not until the high school level that players are required to use a drop 3 bat. So to get players use to a bat that size, a 7th grader or 8th grader should use a drop 5 baseball bat.
3/4 of middle school boys are into girls
In the middle about 2/3 of the way up the barrel is the sweet spot.
* yes sleepy hollow middle school is a fun school filled with activities>>......3 == ==