You don't have to be Irish or even Catholic to attend Notre Dame.
The university is "Ollscoil Notre Dame"
Notre Dame Fighting Irish football was created in 1887.
The Notre Dame Fighting Irish is the varsity sports team of the renowned University of Notre Dame. They participate in 23 NCAA Division 1 intercollegiate sports.
Notre Dame Fighting Irish men's lacrosse was created in 1981.
The Notre Dame mascot is the leprechaun because of their name FIGHTING IRISH
the Fighting Irish
The Notre Dame Fighting Irish Pajama Coveralls can be worn by either boys or girls.
The Notre Dame Fighting Irish were originally called the Ramblers. This nickname lasted until the mid 1920's when they became known as the Fighting Irish. The reason for the switch is a highly debated toping among Notre Dame fans.
Notre Dame has a leprechaun as a mascot because of their football team name called "Fighting Irish". Before the football team was called that, which I believe was somewhere in the 1960's, Notre Dame's mascot used to be a group of Irish Terrier dogs.
there are tens of French cathedrals named Notre Dame ('our Lady'). They have no link with Notre Dame University in the USA. But this is no surprise that a Catholic university (at least when it was founded) should attract people or Irish descent, the mainstream religion in Ireland being Catholicism.