yes they have two sets of picks. one set at the butt end of the stick and a set at the heel of the blade. goalies also have picks on the catching glove.
When they came to drive the last spike, Governor Stanford, president of the Central Pacific, took the sledge, and the first time he struck he missed the spike and hit the rail.
Soccer, field hockey, stuff like that...
There is no male mammal that has a poisonous spike that sticks out of its hind leg. However, adult males platypuses have a hollow spur on each of their hind legs, through which they can deliver a venom strong enough to kill a small dog, and to cause almost paralysing agony to an adult human. The spur is connected to a venom gland in the platypus's thigh.
Slice, Spike, Spiking, Sliding, Strike, shot, shoot, sticks, skates, score, scoring, side, seconds,
spikes is the little dog from tom and jerry, spike chases tom and makes him stick to the wall (i think...)
Spike Christie goes by Spike.
supaiku is spike as in railway spike Kasui is spike as in the thorn of a bush
A homonym for spike is "spike," as it can refer to both a sharp-pointed object and a sudden increase or surge in something, like a temperature spike or a spike in interest rates.
A spike
Sprite and Pixie Sticks can cause a reaction due to the high sugar content in both products. Consuming large amounts of sugar can lead to a rapid spike in blood sugar levels, causing a temporary burst of energy followed by a crash that may result in symptoms like hyperactivity or fatigue.
Spike ChanneL Is On 25
Spike has a British accent.