No. Soccer is by far the most watched sport on earth. 400 million people watched the average World Cup game, a cumulative 26 billion viewers for the entire event and 700 million watched the Final.
Now, talking about topic of my choice; basketball. Basketball is more dominant than football when it comes to the injuries that the players sustain , but also basketball players also are paid more; and for a lot of people it's all about the money. The average salary for a football player is approximately $1,250,000 and a basketball player makes about $ 4, 900,000 which is a lot of money. The reason for this being, a NFL team has about 65 players, and so the money must be split between all of them, but in a NBA team there are about 16-20 people, and so they can have more time on the court and more time on the court equals to more pay. So why wouldn't you choose basketball?
Basketball is also safer than football, as seen on television players are practically thrown around on the field and it is totally acceptable. The objective of the game seems to be to hurt the apposing team indirectly; well that's how it seems for their wild tackles on the field. Meanwhile in basketball this is not allowed, there is a system designed so that you cannot commit more than six fouls in a game. So basketball is the winner.
definitely Football is more athletic than basketball
That completely depends on what area you are in. In Mexico and Italy, soccer is much more important. In the U.S., basketball and football rank among the top.
football because you have to tackle and all that and a lot more people get hurt so it is obvious that it is football.
No. Football is more physical than basketball. The average force of impact of tackles in football is much stronger than than contact in basketball.
football players make more money
baseball, football, and basketball are the 3 top sports. the most popular is either football or baseball. most people like one or the other, and there are generally more people who think football is more exciting, so football is considered the most popular american sport, baseball second, and basketball third. Soccer, swimming, golf, and wrestling are also some big ones...
I personally like basketball more, but I believe some people like WATCHING baseball more because it is easier to watch and follow than basketball.
Football and maybe basketball but more of football
everyone of them, although some sports like baseball, basketball, football, and soccer/football, are more popular
I've been playing basketball my whole life and I have gotten plenty of injuries. My cousin on the other hand, has been playing football and we have the same amount of injuries but his are more severe