

Do men and women talk differently?

Updated: 12/13/2022
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Q: Do men and women talk differently?
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Women are 

Do men converse differently than women in the workplace?

No not really, they talk about the same stuff just in a different manner. Like men working on a construction site would talk about sex but crudely. While women working in a office will talk about sex too but in a more conservative manner. If everyone worked in a strip joint together then both men and women would talk the same because of the atmosphere and morale of the people.

Why married men talk about sex with other women?

Feeling them out to see if they can get them into the cot.

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They feel the need to talk about women because women talk about men. Men (believe it or not) gossip just as much as women do.

Why do females react differently to stress than males?

women respond somewhat differently to stress, with women being more likely to use what is called the "tend and befriend" response rather than the classical "fight or flight" pattern

Why does your husband talk money matters to his family and not to you?

Men are brought up that way, on the other hand women are raised up differently. like having a husband with a good job. Men are known for business, so they are most likely to talk about money.

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They think differently.

Why do women think differently than men?

It's because men's and women's brains are differently built (and the cause is testosterone). Neither one is superior over-all, but they both have advantages.

Are women's shoes shaped differently from men's shoes?

yes,it not same with the men shoes

Why are women in prison treated differently than men in prison?

Women are often treated differently than men in the military because women have been viewed as the weaker sex for many years. This causes men to want to protect them rather than work with them equally.

Is badminton played differently for men and women?

Nope, played the same.

What do men talk about when talking to women?

they talk abut your tit-is