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Q: Do i have to sign the waiver again at bonehead paintball?
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If your under 18 can you use a paintball gun at paintball centres?

Yes, the limit at most places is 10 to play, but you will need a parent to sign your waiver.

Example letter of a waiver in a reality show?

If you sign the waiver, they own you.

Paintballing under 16 years of age?

You need to be 18 years old to BUY a paintball gun, but you can play at any age. Most fields require you to be at least 12 to play there. So you'll need a parent to buy your paintball gun, and to sign a waiver for the field. After that, hit the field!

Do you have to sign a waiver to the neighbor?

You don't HAVE to sign any waiver you don't want to sign. Not signing may block you from doing something you want to do, though.

What is a sentence for waiver?

The lawyer advised his client to sign the waiver before participating in the extreme sports event.

Is there a way to have my clients sign a waiver instead of buying expensive liability insurance?

You can have clients sign a waiver. However, it's still a good idea to have an insurance policy in place.

How can you move out at 17 teen with out your parents permission?

by getting them to sign a waiver

What is the age to be in the marines?

You must be 17 to join. If you are under 18, both of your parents must sign a waiver in order for you to enlist. If you are 18 you do not need a waiver.

Does a legal waiver protect a ski resort from being sued?

This is not the answer you are looking for ... but it depends on many factors. It depends on your state's law. Also, is the waiver for an injury or stolen equipment? Is it simply printed on the back of a lift ticket, or on a rental form for ski equipment? Or did you enter a ski race and sign a waiver for that specific purpose? In general, waivers do hold up in court provided you made a choice to do the activity and entered into the waiver to do it. But again it depends on the law in your state.

How old do you have to be to skydive in Canada?

18. Or if your 16 you can get a parent or guardian to sign a waiver.

If your employer does not offer you health insurance benefits can they make you sign a waiver of insurance?


How can your paintball business not to get sued?

You need lots of insurance and players to sign waivers.