Only if you let it ... you need concentration and a blindfold to make it.
Yes the presence or absence of a net affect free throw accuracy. The net provides a visual target for the player to aim toward.
yes, the weight of a basketball does affect free throws because while shooting a free throw you have a routine for every opportunity of shooting a free throw and if have a basketball that has different weight then your other basketball then you will end up short or long.
Balance affects any type of shooting.
Of course, provided it is clean and free of distractions.
YES. It does affect your free throw accuracy. If the ball does not have enough air you will have to give the basketball more force. When more force is applied it will probably bounce off the rim. With more air you could give the ball more touch and your percent will go up.
A. Distractions in the classroom
dirk Nowitzki is the person who shoots the free throw
One point for each successfully made free throw.
as of 3/30/10, his career Free Throw percentage is 52.7%Shaq's free throw percentage is 53.7%
It is done from the free throw line, about 20 feet from the hoop.
The free throw line is 15 feet from the basket.
If the free throw is made after the disconcerting by B1 there is NO additional free throw for A1