

Do chivas suck

Updated: 10/19/2022
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14y ago

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No they dont

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Q: Do chivas suck
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chivas pumas suck its all about the chivas

Why do Chivas suck so much?

Chivas doesn't suck only America does because of Ochoa ok well Chivas is now in the semi-finals :D and America lost to CHivas 3-0 thank you

Is Chivas better than Pachuca?

yes pachuca is better tha chivas.....chivas suck ajajajajaja pachuca is the best

Who won of chivas US vs chivas de guadalajara?

CHIVAS won. score 1-0

America or chivas?


Who is better chivas or amirica?


Whos is better chivas or america?

Chivas are, my brother goes for America and i know how it feels if they win-un asco, pero quando las chivas ganan i get like super happy i just have to go out and party. So really chivas are better. Chivas are better than America

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Who's better Chivas or America?

chivas 11 chapions and chivas have won all the games

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Who is the best team in soccer Mexico?

The best soccer team in Mexico is Chivas DE Guadalajara with more championships won than any other team in Mexico.It also has 100% Mexican players.

Where are the soccer team chivas from?

Chivas USA are from Miami And Chivas de Guadalajara are from Guadalajara Jalisco Mexico